Barrel Length | 28 inches
Chokes | Mobilchokes F, M, and IC included
Rib | Vented (grooved)Sights
Stock | Synthetic Black
Sling | Swivel posts on stock and fore-end cap
Capacity | 3 + 1
Loads | 2-3/4 - 3 inch
Weight | 7.1 lbs
The Beretta A300 Outlander is an entry-level, gas operated, semi-automatic shotgun that makes for a great first shotgun or as a first foray into the world of semi-autos. Capable of shooting 2-3/4 in or 3 in loads, this shotgun offers up enough firepower to serve you well for everything from upland game to waterfowl. The gas driven semi-automatic action significantly reduces the felt recoil and makes this gun a pleasure to shoulder and shoot all day long.
I spent this past waterfowl season using one in a wide range of conditions. From sunny days in the mid 60’s down to single digits spent in the snow, this gun had no trouble cycling through any commercial or hand-loaded ammunition. On an exceptionally cold day, after belly crawling through the snow, I did have one jam, but it’s almost to be expected after filling the action with snow and freezing the bolt carrier group. That being said, I also managed to fully submerge my Outlander after stumbling in deep lake mud and the shotgun continued to fire and cycle loads without any trouble immediately after pulling it out of the drink.
As with most modern shotguns, the Outlander features removable chokes and comes with a full, modified, and improved cylinder choke, giving you a wide variety of options depending on your style of hunting and quarry. There are also a number of aftermarket extended chokes that are compatible with this gun, giving you even more options for dialing in your patterning.
Available in both synthetic and wooden stock options, this shotgun is a versatile tool that’s ready to be put to work. If you’re a die-hard goose hunter or just prefer lobbing 3 ½ in rounds, you might want to consider the Beretta A400 or other options that accommodate larger shells. Any of those options will cost you around double the price of the Outlander and at the end of the day I had no trouble harvesting everything from doves to big ol’ Canada geese with the Outlander. Assuming you are shooting the right size shot with the correct choke and understand how your gun patterns, it’s unlikely the gun has anything to do with missed shots. This is a high quality shotgun being offered at a great price that will serve both new and experienced hunters quite well.
Don’t forget to grab an extended choke, like the Carlson's Ported Cremator Long Range Choke, for those long shots!
Tags: A300, Beretta, Outlander, shotgun Comments
[…] way to improve the performance of just about any shotgun. We put our choke to the test on a Beretta A300 and were quite pleased with the results. This is an extended choke, meaning it sticks out past your […]